1. Rising strobe red tail to Nishiki with purple and pink pistil
2. Whistling tail rising to purple with red and green strobe
3. Time rain tail to purple orange with delayed titanium crackle
4. Rising red strobe tail to white strobe red plum
5. Whistling tail rising to orange w pink strobe and time rain
6. Time rain tail to blue green and purple
7. Red strobe rising tail to nishiki Ka
8. Whistling tail to titanium Chry
9. Time rain tail to nishiki willow
10. Red strobe tail to green strobe w red plum
11. Whistling tail to purple w golden brocade
12. Time rain tail to pink blue and orange crackling
13. Red strobe tail to nishiki titanium crackle white plum
14. Whistling howl tail to time rain red strobe
15. Time rain tail to 2 times crackle
16. Red strobe tail to Red and blue with white strobe
17. Whistling tail to purple and green strobe
18. Red tiger tail to nishiki Kamuro with white plum
19. Red strobe tail to nishiki Kamuro purple w orange strobe
20. Whistling tail to nishiki Kamuro
21. Red tiger tail to orange yellow and pink strobes
22. Red strobe tail to red plum titanium crackle
23. Whistling tail to twinkling willow
24. Red tiger tail to yellow and orange w green strobe